
Well, I have had a lot on my mind lately about forgiveness and helping others. Sometimes I get so caught up in my own problems and just let it keep building up and building up. 😩🙆It is so exhausting. I can forgive over and over again, but sometimes there is this thought of… that one time when… and it makes it hard to understand people and why they can be the way that they are and ask for your help and then disappoint you, but you have to let go sometimes. Sometimes ignoring it and letting it go means that God wants you to breath and he wants them to learn a lesson. Back to the give back thing. I have been so frustrated with problems that I forget that sometimes people have it worse. Sometimes people need help. Sometimes people need to hear you say, “I’m sorry” “hello” (a smile) or “thank you.” Life can get so busy and so fast paced that we can think; okay wake up, eat, work, gym, eat, sleep… repeat. Sure there have been prayers and meditating along the way, but you can do two things during all of that… shut up and just free your mind and listen or keep rambling thoughts on and on and on. God wants us to be obedient and do his will not think about ourselves all the time. How can we be obedient when we can be so blind to open our eyes to the world around us?? Just some thoughts… feels good to refresh. Sometimes you have to get back on track. Don’t chase your dreams if you forget the reason why you were dreaming in the first place. 🙏😔

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