Honestly BFF… 

Hey everyone…

I have been thinking about lately, and especially over the last few months. More so, this month… I have been thinking about my life and my friends. 

You are who you hang around. You are who your friends are. I have been thinking about my friends. If you are reading this, I apologize for any offense it may cause to you. 

Honestly, I feel the need to get back on track with my life… yeah the early 20s are fun times, but once you reach the end of that path… For those that make new friends and find yourself constantly bored and angry with yourself at times for being around people who comfort you but don’t feed you, like I found myself doing. It can become draining. It’s like they don’t fully get what level I am on, or they try and be something they are not or hold in what they have to say just to keep the peace. 

I am sorry… 

I just feel like there is a stopping point. A point where you just draw the line and say I am no longer interested in Our friendship. 

Sometimes it is easy to say it and not easy to go through with a rehearsed script.

It all started when I realized how much I really wanted a family, and more importantly a husband. So, I stopped dating guys that I would date just to date, and stumbled upon a guy that has been there the whole time and I just didn’t see him. You know what I mean… One day we just clicked. 

I just don’t understand how a particular friend can get upset and not comprehend why I don’t want to talk about my dating life. To me, it’s between us what we do and talk about. I don’t think that the whole entire world should know what goes on between us. 

I have been praying and trying to muster up the confidence to either talk to this friend and tell her straight up that she needs to mind her own business and just understand that I number one don’t want to be friends with her anymore and two, I don’t want her in my business and asking questions. She doesn’t understand what I don’t want to talk about it means… It is frustrating because I don’t ask her questions about her dating life because I don’t understand her lifestyle, yet she will continually ask me questions. 

Why we should go our separate ways… 

We have different views on things like dating. 

I can’t spend all of my free time with her. 

Some of the things she is interested in, I don’t care for and never will. 

I want a marriage and kids raised on Christian values. I am not sure if she even supports my future goals. If I got married and had kids would she understand that they come first?? 

There are just a lot of things that come to mind when I think about our friendship. I think it is time to end it. I want to be around my friends that have husbands and want kids, and respect my views. 

It feels good to get all of that out. It has been on my mid for a long time… 

What is more important, having a husband and a family or a best friend that you feel like you don’t relate to at all?? 

-Stephanie L. 🤔🙄😫😄

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