
The idea of coming home to clean and organize things in my room and car seems so overwhelming. I feel like I hardly get a chance to breathe. I work full time and I make things for friends and family and craft fairs during the colder months… I mean don’t get me wrong, I enjoy my job and I love making things, it’s just some days and weeks, it seems so overwhelming. I know I need to work to pay bills, and I know I need to keep moving, but I feel like if I stop moving I will never get everything done. I am so forgetful, I have to write everything down and put notes in my phone to remind me of what I need to get done and the deadlines.

I am however, so glad it is a new year. I made it a point to be on time for everything I do and to keep track of al my electronic devices and keeping them charged.

Sounds easy, but that is a real struggle for me. I feel like I don’t rest when I sleep, and when I do start to rest, it is time to wake up. Like, where do I have time to rest? I feel like I get so stressed because I do not rest. So far, all of my devices I have been using, I have been making sure they stay charged.

I also feel like I am going in too many directions at once. The gym, work, and work. Lol, I guess the new year brings a feeling of pressure to do all that I never have done. There are a lot of things I want to accomplish this year that I have not done. I want to run my own business as a trainer, and work from home, etc., but I really look forward to working from my home. So many things in my twenties I was not able to do, but now I want to do. So much more to say, but that is for the next post.

Until then,

Stephanie Lewis


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